All posts filed under: CHOCOLATE

Santa Claus of Bondi / São Nicolau de Bondi

English: SANTA CLAUS OF BONDI In Australia Christmas is in the middle of summer, like in Brazil and other countries in the southern hemisphere. It is also hot at Christmas in the tropic regions of the northern hemisphere while in Europe, in northern Asia and in north America the cold weather makes for a different kind of festive season. At the famous Bondi beach (Sydney) surfing, swimming and sunbathing are part of celebrating Christmas. By the end of the Oz Christmas, with all the presents delivered, Santa is exhausted and takes a well deserved rest on the sands of Bondi.   Português: SÃO NICOLAU DE BONDI Na Austrália o Natal é no verão, tal como no Brasil e outros países do hemisfério sul. No Natal também faz calor nas zonas dos trópicos no hemisfério norte enquanto que na Europa, no norte da Ásia e na América do norte o clima frio no período do Natal requer outro tipo de celebrações natalícias. Na famosa praia de Bondi (Sidney) surfar, banhar e bronzear fazem parte da celebração …

Genesis / Génese

English: GENESIS Behind the scenes in film making the director conducts a creation that is the sum of many inputs. The creation is new but the origin of what makes it belongs to other stories. Interpreting is understanding. A trained and educated palate experiences the story behind each chocolate, its genesis.   Português: GÉNESE Por detrás da produção de um filme o realizador cinematográfico rege uma criação que é a soma de muitas participações. A criação é nova mas a origem do que a compõe pertence a outras histórias. Interpretar é compreender. Um paladar treinado e educado saboreia a história por detrás de cada chocolate, a sua génese.

Sugar dealers on your street / Traficantes de açúcar na sua rua

English: SUGAR DEALERS ON YOUR STREET Dip your wet finger in a bowl of refined sugar and taste it; If you like sweetness that is one kick of a sensation. Now dip your wet finger in cocoa powder and then in sugar and melt it in your mouth. The cocoa mellows the sweetness of the sugar and introduces flavour depth. There is nothing wrong with the one-dimensional sensation of refined sugars, but there is a vastness of other sweet sensations offered by nature. Reinterpreting sweetness can allow you to rediscover a universe of flavours shadowed, or even destroyed, by the over use of sugar and cheap fats. Many chocolate products have much of the cocoa butter replaced with cheap fats and extracts. Concentrated flavourings give these cocoa starved chocolate products some flavour depth. Refined sugar contents of nearly 50% are common in chocolate products on your street. The over use of sugar can be detected, in most cases, in the quantities of the chocolate product’s ingredients/nutrition table. The essential ingredients to be expected in milk chocolate are; …

Skinny Panther / Pantera Magricela

English: SKINNY PANTHER Rich in cocoa, smoothed by milk and lightly touched by sugar this dark milk chocolate bridges the divide between dark chocolate lovers and milk chocolates aficionados. Made from a selection of single origin beans, roasted to different profiles, blended and refined by slow conching. A careful process of flavour development incorporates the milk into the cocoa soothing the full bodied taste of the cocoa with the naturally sweetened roundness of the milk. A small amount of sugar is added for balance. This chocolate reeducates the palate and challenges stereotypes. It’s healthy yet indulgent, very dark yet milk flavoured. A chocolate as cool and agile as a skinny panther.   Português: PANTERA MAGRICELA Rico em cacau, suavizado pelo leite e levemente tocado por açúcar este chocolate de leite escuro estreita a divisão entre amantes de chocolate preto e aficionados de chocolate de leite. Feito de uma seleção de grãos/amêndoas de cacau de origem única, torrados em perfis variados, combinados e refinados por conchagem lenta. O processo de desenvolvimento do sabor incorpora o leite …

The Bean / O Grão-Amêndoa

English: THE BEAN Criollo, Forastero and Trinitario. The Criollo beans are the most prized of these three varieties. Fine and complex in flavour but challenging to grow requiring extra care and protection. The Forastero is the most used variety in world’s cocoa production. Full chocolate flavour but less complex in the final notes of the palate. Disease resistant and high yield. The Trinitario is a hybrid of the two varieties and has high yield and resistance characteristics of the Forastero and flavour depth characteristics of Criollo. These three main varieties of cocoa are universally used as a classification of Theobroma cacao, the cocoa tree, and the cocoa bean. There are many subspecies deriving from these three main varieties. Based on genetic variations other classifications may do better justice to existing genetic diversification. As an example, in Juan C. Motamayor research (Geographic and Genetic Population Differentiation of the Amazonian Chocolate Tree, 2008), the following 10 groups are used to classify cocoa in the Amazon basin; Amelonado, Contamana, Criollo, Curaray, Guiana, Iquitos, Marañon, Nacional, Nanay and Purús. …

Our Daily Bread / Pão Nosso de Cada Dia

English: OUR DAILY BREAD The resurgence in recent times of the sourdough bread is a positive reaction to the deterioration of the nutritional value in industrially produced breads – the fast, cheap and profitable chemical breads. Many traditional diets around the world have benefited for millennia from natural fermentation of foods for nutrition, health, food preservation and food safety. Naturally fermented bread, or sourdough, has been baked for thousands of years. The beneficial natural ferments help to foster the good bacteria in the digestive tract, gardening our internal flora. The long and slow natural fermentation of sourdough bread makes the absorption of iron, zinc, magnesium, antioxidants, folic acid and other B vitamins easier during digestion. Fibre deficiency in the modern western diet is a promoter of many illnesses. Anjinho’s sourdough has a special natural ingredient that increases the content of fibre up to 25% in some recipes. This bread nurtures and balances the digestive system. Anjinho’s Cocoa Bread (photo), one of the sourdough recipes, does all the above and treats the palate to the richness …

The Pod / A Vagem

English: THE POD The cocoa pod is a vessel, nature’s womb for the cocoa bean. Unlike money, it grows on (some unique) trees. The cacao tree, Theobroma Cacao, grows in the tropics within 20 degrees of latitude from the equator. The pods grow directly from the tree branches and trunk. The cocoa beans are cocooned inside the cocoa pod. Each pod contains a sweet white pulp with anything between 20 to 60 cocoa beans, depending on the variety. Cocoa is a delicate crop sensitive to sun and wind and vulnerable to pests and diseases. The cocoa farmers nurture the trees generally in small farms in some tropical regions of the Americas, Africa, Asia and Oceania. Unlike sugar, that is cheap to mass produce in a variety of climate and regions from sugar beet or cane, cocoa is a peculiar crop with elaborate harvesting and processing. It is very important to know how much cocoa is in your chocolate… unless you like chocolate flavoured sugar products. Many self-proclaimed chocoholics are in reality “sugarholics”. Criollo, Forastero and …

Wild Truffles / Trufas Selvagens

English: WILD TRUFFLES The “Wild Truffles” range invokes ancient worlds and plays with nature’s ingredients in pure form. There is the Indus Truffle, the Quechua Truffle, the Phoenicia Truffle and the Aztec Truffle. Naturally sweetened with no added sugar and full of unaltered whole ingredients rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. Made with 100% cocoa goodness. A healthy boost for a busy day.   Português: TRUFAS SELVAGENS A gama “Trufas Selvagens” invoca mundos antigos e incorpora ingredientes da natureza em estado puro. Há a Trufa Indus, a Trufa Quechua, a Trufa Phoenicia e a Trufa Aztec. Adocicadas naturalmente sem adição de açúcar e cheias de ingredientes integrais ricos em fibra, vitaminas e minerais. Feitas com 100% cacau puro. Um estímulo saudável para um dia activo.